$126.00 excluding GST

TomoSPOT® for marking nipples 781

Distinctly identify and permanently document nipples, moles,scars, palpable masses, and areas of pain or concern on mammography images with BeekleySPOT® skin markers for mammography. The result is clear communication between patient, technologist and radiologist regarding areas of interest and more precise interpretation of the mammography.

Ref: 781, (QTY: 92/box)

  • 2.3mm non-metallic pellet
  • pinch-free material with adhesive-free center    
  • designed for use with 3D breast tomosynthesis equipment 
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Mammography Skin Markers

TomoSPOT® for marking nipples 781

TomoSPOT skin markers are tested and proven for 3D breast tomosynthesis.

TomoSPOT skin markers provide clear visualization with the least potential for “slinky” artifact compared to other mammography skin markers.

Combining tomosynthesis with a TomoSPOT skin marking protocol supports your efforts to achieve a lowest possible recall rate, higher specificity, and has been proven to reduce radiologist reading time on average by 1.34 minutes per case.

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