Automated Medicare BillingATX Chiropractic Solutions

Automated Medicare Billing

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Do you perform x-rays at your clinic? Do you want to claim medicare benefits for your patients?

ATX Biller is a batch automated Medicare billing system that brings forward billing revenue and ensures that 100% of the claimed amount is paid.  It is typically used where a Medicare terminal is not feasible or not preferred.

Sign up with ATX today to experience hassle free billing.  It is easy to use with these simple steps.

  1.  Enter study Item Numbers and Medicare number into the ITX PACS,
  2. ITX Cloud PACS will then lodge studies to Medicare automatically,
  3. Medicare will direct deposit the fees into your nominated bank account within 3 business days (standard turnaroung time),
  4. Pay only 2% fee of your monthly Medicare deposits to ATX.

It’s that easy…

Features include:

• Automated claim send to Medicare,  can be scheduled to be daily, weekly or variable.

• Cloud based for easy of access and upload of information.

• Automatic review of billing Medicare report to identify non-payment of items.

• Resubmission of missing payments from Medicare.

• Identification of non-payment items and reasons for non-payment for follow up.


• Better cash flow with payments received sooner.

• More payments as there are no missed items due to Medicare caused omissions.

• Low maintenance  – ATX Biller takes care of your billing  – so no resources are required to manage this.

Contact us below to find out more.


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