Ultravist 370 (10 pack)

Ultravist 370 (10 pack) *NON IONIC

Ultravist is an injectable contrast medium (a dye) which contains iodine. It is used to clearly show on X-rays the area of your body that your doctor wants to investigate, for example, your kidney, bladder, heart, vessels or spinal cord.

CTN = (10 pack)

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Ultravist 370 (10 pack) *NON IONIC

Ultravist is an injectable contrast medium (a dye) which contains iodine. It is used to clearly show on X-rays the area of your body that your doctor wants to investigate, for example, your kidney, bladder, heart, vessels or spinal cord. It can also be used with sensitive computer-assisted X-ray machines (CT scanners) to investigate other parts of your body.

CTN = (10 pack)

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50ml, 100ml


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