We look forward to assisting your practice further, please call us on 1800 330 118 for any questions.

ATX Joins Forces with Australian Spinal Research Foundation: Driving Innovation in Chiropractic Care
We are proud to announce that ATX has become a commercial sponsor of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation (ASRF), a pioneering organisation dedicated to advancing chiropractic research globally. This partnership signifies our commitment to supporting quality research focused on vertebral subluxation, a cornerstone of chiropractic care.
The ASRF is renowned as the largest chiropractic research funding organisation internationally. Through our collaboration, we aim to facilitate groundbreaking advancements in chiropractic and functional neurology, empowering practitioners with the latest tools and knowledge to enhance patient care.
As part of our sponsorship, we are excited to participate in the upcoming Dynamic Growth Experience, scheduled for Saturday, April 20th. Our Director, Roger Davis, will be speaking at the event, where we will showcase our latest innovations in both the medical and veterinary markets.
Among our innovations are revolutionary technologies such as the world’s first large format DR panel for orthopedists, developed by ATX. Additionally, our AI-based X-ray image diagnostic assistance service offers a valuable second opinion and confidence boost, particularly for less experienced veterinarians. Furthermore, our proposal for remote radiography has the potential to revolutionize the way X-rays are taken, paving the way for more efficient and accessible diagnostic imaging.
We invite you to join us at the Dynamic Growth Experience to explore these cutting-edge developments in chiropractic care and discover trending technologies in the market. Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation in the field.
To learn more about the event and register, visit https://bit.ly/DGEPerth2024.
We look forward to assisting your practice further, please call us on 1800 330 118 for any questions.